More Living-room Comedy

July 20, 2009

Dear Living room comedian guy,

If your laugh track didn’t cover up your punch line you might be funny.  But you would have to write a funny punch line as “oh no she didn’t” just doesn’t qualify as a funny punch line unless you are Dane Cook or someone.  Keep practicing.

PS did you belch on the way to the “stage?” And where is your curtain?


December 9, 2008

#1   We are just hitting 2000 hits in under 2 months so that’s a good sign that there are enough people who like bad comedy to continue, or there are enough people pissed off about being called out, to keep the site going.  THANK YOU for your readership.

#2  We just received our very first viewer submission!!!  We are posting it today!

This is Daniel Songer and he does his little comedy skits on his front porch!  He is horrible and must have smoked a lot of weed in his life.  He sucks and is too chickenshit to try his “lil’ skits” out on a real audience.   My favorite part is when he sings and dances.  Ha hahahahaha, fat guy dancing!

Thank you viewer for your submission!  I can only go through so much bad comedy without putting a bullet in my head.  If you would like to submit a bad comic to this site please comment here or email us from our myspace site.  We will never use your real name, unless you want us to!

Cats Vs Dogs

December 5, 2008

This is Rob Special.  This is a joke about cat people filmed at the aptly named Brickwall Comedy Club.

Doug, ever heard the saying “If you have to explain it it’s not funny.”

Perhaps you could write some new jokes.

PS You just invented the new category called “explaining your jokes.”

Women VS Men – by D-Trane

December 2, 2008

Ah yes, my favorite kind of comedy, basement comedy.  No audience.  Just him and a camera.

This is D-Trane and this is is take on what men would do with a time machine and what women would do with that same time machine.  Brilliant.

Kids, if you really want to be a successful comedian, go to a comedy club, open mic night, or bar, poetry open mic night, it doesn’t matter.  Just gather some strangers to try your material out on.  D-Trane, grow a pair and leave the house.

Welcome to Men VS Women Week!

December 1, 2008

This week we take a look at the royally hack topic of men VS women.  OK we get it.  Men are different than women.  Men have a penis, women don’t.  Hahahah its hilarious.  No its not.  Its been done to death.  Write something new, ya hack.

In my quest to find videos on this subject I found a ton of Christian comics tackling this challenging subject mater.  Not that I want to pick on Christians, but aren’t there other topics to write about?

This is Dennis Zech.  He finds the differences of the sexes boiled down to vowels and consanents.  Can we all understand eachother now?

Rap – “Oh Pussy Fart”

November 28, 2008

This is a terrible rap that makes little sense about pussy farts?  I can’t tell if the guy is high or drunk or what, but a lot of it is incomprehensible.  I did a transcript as best I could for this one so you could follow along at home.  His name is Monte Hoffman and apparently he has done some TV.

“Sounds like one of those rap songs you young guys have, please stand up, please stand up.  Oh pussy fart.  Oh pussy fart. Well LL  Thursday, got nothing on me cuz I got that (inaudible) personality.  Him, hi, hippity, high, think I’ll go to the barber shop.  Walk in there, I sit on the chair. Barber (inaudible) aint got no hair. Said hmmm. That’s so cold, said hmmm.  God bless my soul.  Like to (inaudible) that salty strut.  Went to a place called supercut.  Said in the side, ready to buy, all look like my Michael Jackson. (horrible attempt at a crotch grab) Who loves you babe said hmm.  Who loves you babe.  Well I might be fat but I aint no chump.  People say I look like a big speed bump.  I said Tampon, Kotex, Stayfree mini pad. You go’n need protection from my erection cuz what I got aint bad.  So c’mon girls, get on those seats, open those legs let ya hear that quief, oh pussy fart.  A jofichzileels.

Its dirty, its inaudible, its rap.

A Bad White Rapper

November 24, 2008

This unknown comic raps about giving birth and the Doctors instructions, in rap.  He is almost as talented as Vanilla Ice.  If anyone knows this guys name please submit it.

“And I know, I know its only gonna be a couple of years until we actually start seeing rap music in hospitals.  I believe what we’re gonna see, ladies and gentlemen, is rap music … in the delivery room.”

This video has to be shot in the late 80’s or early 90’s so my question is…  why isn’t there rap music in the delivery room?  Could it be this guy was wrong???  I sure hope not.  So I’m going to need someone to submit a rap/birthing video.  I’m sure there is one out there somewhere.

PS. Why is the word rap one letter away from the word rape?

Rockin’ Around Dolly’s Twat

November 23, 2008

Priceless.  I never tire of stripper comic Sandy Kane.  Here is her sophomore debut for

Here is how defines Sandy Kane

Here is how oapedia defines SK

Someone just told  me she had a CD called “Tits My Party.”  I would pay a lot of money for a copy of that.  Even up to $20.

Cracka Don – Number 2

November 20, 2008

Ahhh Cracka Don…

Mr. Cracka has already responded to me calling him a “bad” comedian on our youtube page by saying…

“YO, YOU LITTLE BITCH, you can’t diss me cause my shit is all original, nothing ever stolen here. You must be 1 angry cocknocking fuckstain with probably not a original bone in your body except for your boyfriends dick in your fuckin ass. You can only dream of making it big, the only thing big is your fucking mouth and the cock in it.”

Actually Mr. Cracka I can “diss” you and I will.  You are a bad comedian and I live in the United States where freedom of speech is a core value.

Enjoy more Cracka Don…  NOW with PROPS!

You don’t know JACK!!!

November 17, 2008

Alright, enough bad Jack Nicholson impressions.  Its time to concentrate on some better bad bad comedy. Is that how we say it?  Better bad bad comedy?

So here is your last Nicholson…

Let him explain the way to do it.