Rockin’ Around Dolly’s Twat

November 23, 2008

Priceless.  I never tire of stripper comic Sandy Kane.  Here is her sophomore debut for

Here is how defines Sandy Kane

Here is how oapedia defines SK

Someone just told  me she had a CD called “Tits My Party.”  I would pay a lot of money for a copy of that.  Even up to $20.

Needle in a stack of needles…

November 2, 2008

I came across this gem in my search for bad comedy.  I love that this guy loves himself so much.  I think he really believes he will be the next big thing. His confidence is infectious, like herpes.

One of the most hack topics you can talk about is viagra.  HaHaHa viagra.  Try to be a little more creative than using viagra as a comedy topic.  Sure a four hour boner is hilarious, but its been done to DEATH.  I bet you can think of one thing funnier than a four hour boner.

Singing Viagra – Gold Jerry, gold.  This is one of the best specimens of bad comedy I have seen in a long time.

“You know you go there so… the thing is my… because women see…”

Perhaps my favorite quote of his act.

Bad Impressions – Mr. Ed.  Seriously, what decade is this?

Over the top – “eh eh eh, you got the club in there!”

Homophobic – “token male nurse solves your erection problem.”

I do believe I may make this a bad comedy “viagra” week.  I’m sure it will be worth it.