Men VS Women part III

December 3, 2008

This is “The Bodybuilding Comedian” aka Charles Dorby talking about the differences between men and women when they drink.  Vagina patrol?  really?

“I’m not sayin she’s ugly, but when she walked by the car I seen the paint come off.”

Welcome to Men VS Women Week!

December 1, 2008

This week we take a look at the royally hack topic of men VS women.  OK we get it.  Men are different than women.  Men have a penis, women don’t.  Hahahah its hilarious.  No its not.  Its been done to death.  Write something new, ya hack.

In my quest to find videos on this subject I found a ton of Christian comics tackling this challenging subject mater.  Not that I want to pick on Christians, but aren’t there other topics to write about?

This is Dennis Zech.  He finds the differences of the sexes boiled down to vowels and consanents.  Can we all understand eachother now?

A Bad White Rapper

November 24, 2008

This unknown comic raps about giving birth and the Doctors instructions, in rap.  He is almost as talented as Vanilla Ice.  If anyone knows this guys name please submit it.

“And I know, I know its only gonna be a couple of years until we actually start seeing rap music in hospitals.  I believe what we’re gonna see, ladies and gentlemen, is rap music … in the delivery room.”

This video has to be shot in the late 80’s or early 90’s so my question is…  why isn’t there rap music in the delivery room?  Could it be this guy was wrong???  I sure hope not.  So I’m going to need someone to submit a rap/birthing video.  I’m sure there is one out there somewhere.

PS. Why is the word rap one letter away from the word rape?

I hate to give this guy any attention, but……

November 11, 2008

I got a tip from a fellow funny comic to check this guy out.  All I can say is I hope he has hours of material on the web, and I think he might.

His name is Chris Schiappacasse  and his 13 inch name matches his 13 inch cock.  WHAT?

This guy has to have some mental issues.  I would put money on the fact that he has been to the looney bin, he is still a virgin, and lives with his mother.

At most comedy clubs a red light flashes when your time is up.  At this club its like a tornado warning sounds when its time for him to get off stage.

Dear Tommy T’s, (the comedy club this is filmed at) Why do you give this comic so much time? Its ok to be discriminating.  Its ok to give him a week off so he can go back and write.  Its ok to not ever give him stage time again. Its ok to NOT hire him.

I don’t even know what category to put him in.  I guess I’ll just have to make a “just plain bad” category.