
December 9, 2008

#1   We are just hitting 2000 hits in under 2 months so that’s a good sign that there are enough people who like bad comedy to continue, or there are enough people pissed off about being called out, to keep the site going.  THANK YOU for your readership.

#2  We just received our very first viewer submission!!!  We are posting it today!

This is Daniel Songer and he does his little comedy skits on his front porch!  He is horrible and must have smoked a lot of weed in his life.  He sucks and is too chickenshit to try his “lil’ skits” out on a real audience.   My favorite part is when he sings and dances.  Ha hahahahaha, fat guy dancing!

Thank you viewer for your submission!  I can only go through so much bad comedy without putting a bullet in my head.  If you would like to submit a bad comic to this site please comment here or email us from our myspace site.  We will never use your real name, unless you want us to!

Women VS Men – by D-Trane

December 2, 2008

Ah yes, my favorite kind of comedy, basement comedy.  No audience.  Just him and a camera.

This is D-Trane and this is is take on what men would do with a time machine and what women would do with that same time machine.  Brilliant.

Kids, if you really want to be a successful comedian, go to a comedy club, open mic night, or bar, poetry open mic night, it doesn’t matter.  Just gather some strangers to try your material out on.  D-Trane, grow a pair and leave the house.

Bad Comedy is Everywhere

October 26, 2008

Have you spent any time at open mics around the country?  Do you know of any particularly BAD Comedians?  Here we are going to watch them, rank them, and talk about them.  Submit your favorites and Welcome to the Worst of the Worst Stand Up Comedy!

Introducing, Sandy Kane…